Hotel Parking - Winter Meeting 2017

During your stay, the hotel's garage is undergoing construction and closed. The hotel will have two different parking options and will maintain the regular parking costs so there are no additional charges.

Valet Parking

Valet parking is available to all overnight guests at no additional charge. Please pull up in front of the hotel and a member of the bell or front desk staff can assist you. Please allow 10-15 minutes for your valet to be pulled.

Self Parking

If you prefer to park your car, please feel free to unload your luggage and check-in first. A city garage is located a half block from the hotel on the corner of Dayton Street and Carroll Street. Please let the hotel front desk staff know that you are parked in the city garage and they will provide you with a parking pass to exit the parking garage.

Parking Fee

The hotel will charge the regular parking rate of $10 per night and cover the difference in cost for parking at the city garage. Please let the Front Desk know if you used valet or are self-parking a vehicle. The hotel will assist you.

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