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Highlights of Summer Meeting

Schedule at a Glance

Tentative Schedule - Summer 2018
Thursday, July 12th, 2018
5:00-8:00pm Registration
5:00-7:00pm New Member Orientation
Friday, July 13th, 2018
7:30-8:30am Networking Breakfast
8:30-9:00am Travel to NWTC
9:00-11:00am In-service
11:00-11:30am NWTC tours
11:30am Travel to Lambeau Field
11:45am-3:00pm Lunch & Lambeau Tours
3:00pm Travel to Hotel
3:15-4:45pm Committees
6:00-6:45pm Reception
6:45pm Banquet & Awards
Saturday, July 14th, 2018
7:30-8:25am Breakfast (General & Board Chair)
9:00-10:30am Member Meeting
10:45am-12:30pm Association Board Meeting

Other Events

The Association is actively planning future quarterly meetings and events. As details of the events are confirmed the events are posted. Please visit the All Events page to see details for upcoming meetings.