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*Please note that our awards processes and timelines are currently being reviewed and adjusted for 2025.
Check back soon for updated information!

Each year the Association recognizes individuals and business leaders in the State that exemplify the very best of Wisconsin’s technical education system and colleges. The Association also recognizes partners in our communities who promote the value of a technical college education. The following Association awards are presented on an annual basis.

Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes a truly outstanding Wisconsin Technical College graduate. It is very satisfying to read the nominations describing the great work and lives of our successful graduates.

From the nominations, we select one extraordinary person based on five criteria. Those criteria are:

  • the role that a technical college education played in the nominee's career and personal life;

  • the nominee's accomplishments in their professional field;

  • the nominee's community involvement;

  • the nominee's support for the technical college system; and, finally,

  • the nominee's commitment to continuing education and life-long learning.

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Board Member of the Year Award

The association members recommend colleagues who have made particularly important contributions to our cause as board members and as an association.

The Board Member of the Year Award is based on three criteria:

  • involvement at the district level;

  • involvement at the state level; and,

  • involvement at the national level.

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The association gives one award each year on a statewide basis to recognize a print, audio, or visual media effort about Wisconsin Technical Colleges that best meets the following four criteria:

  • the nomination portrays today’s technical college learning environment positively, with originality and creativity;

  • the nomination portrays the benefits of technical college education on individuals and their communities;

  • the nomination reports positively about the technical college's service and contributes to a better public understanding of the college’s mission; and, finally,

  • the nomination thoroughly covers the subject matter in stimulating and clear fashion.

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Technical Education Champion Award

The TECh award goes to the heart of what the colleges are all about in our communities. It recognizes key community and industry leaders who demonstrate an exemplary level of partnership with us to promote technical education and economic development.

The Technical Education Champion award is based on five criteria:

  • the nominee’s promotion of the local college;

  • the nominee’s financial support to the district and individuals associated with the college;

  • the nominee’s utilization of the college for employee training, and by hiring our students;

  • the nominee’s advocacy on the college's behalf; and,

  • the nominee’s enhancement of the community as a whole.

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*Please note that our awards processes and timelines are currently being reviewed and adjusted for 2025.
Check back soon for updated information!

Awards are presented at our Association meetings. The following timeline lists the approximate dates the nomination, rating, and presentation occurs for each award:

Distinguished Alumni Award

May 1

Nominations Due
Aug 1

Ratings Due
September 1

Fall Meeting

Board Member of the Year Award

August 1

Nominations Due
November 1

Ratings Due
December 1

Winter Meeting

Forward as ACCT Nomination
June 1


November 1

Nominations Due
February 1

Ratings Due
March 1

Spring Meeting

Technical Education Champion Award

February 1

Nominations Due
May 1

Ratings Due
June 1

Summer Meeting

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